Issues with specific ROM

I’m not entirely sure if this is a RetroArch issue or a ROM issue but I figured after digging around to finally post here and ask people who may know…

I’m trying to play Suidoken 2 and after getting to a point in the story at about 5 minutes in, i will leave a house and the entire RetroArch app will close, every single time. I don’t have any issues with a different ROM for the same Core (FFIX).

Any ideas if this could be a RetroArch issue? or if i should hunt around for a different ROM?


Could be either one, I guess. We would need some sort of log to know for sure.

Do you know where a crash log for RA would be dumped to?

Dunno for iOS. I know android needs a logcat program. On PC, you get it by launching from command line and the errors are printed to console.