It's working good for me here is what I found

Installed it on my Odroid-XU4. Used a Microsoft controller works real good on it.

I wanted to get the fan to not spin a 100% and looked on here and a link to a script. Found out the log in is root and root as the password. But I could only save to the 128GB USB flash drive I have on it. It’s read only OS. But looking at it with the log in I seen samba on it. So I just went there and so easy to drag and drop ROM’s there and just have it re-scan and they show up. Nice! On mine if I leave it for a wile and come back it’s locked up. I plug in a mouse and can’t get it to show the screen. I guess it goes to sleep and will not wake up.

I still have all my old games but so good to have them on a small system like this on a 1080 HDMI screen.

Neat and do a screen shot.

I guess they are working on so files will be saved just like they are on the real carts. I guess the real carts battery’s now are dead. Back then I open the carts up and use a clip to clip to the SRAM chips to my Commodore 1541 disk drive then I could see the 8K SRAM and save it to the 1541 disk. I tested it back then and can restore it too. I know my 1541 disk can still read them today.

Thank you for making this. So neat can run them on a lot of things today. Brings back good memory’s were I played them a lot. I got gym bags with my cartage games in them and they are full. That’s how meany I have.

Here is a photo of mine.

I got a old USB to old game controllers. Universal USB converter by GameMon Model No.:FT80D91 Be nice if this would work with that then could use the same controllers. I got that a long time ago I guess they my have better ones now that work. Any one know?

Thank you this is very good.

-Raymond Day

glad you’re enjoying it :slight_smile:

People have reported good results with the Mayflash USB adapters, and I think many of them are supported by RetroArch’s autoconfiguration profiles.

I found out if I just turn off my HDMI TV and then back on it don’t get any signal. I thought it was going to sleep and could not come back. But looks like it can’t get back from turning the monitor off and back on. Is there a fix for this?

-Raymond Day

This is the first I’ve heard of it. Someone on the Lakka subforum may be able to tell you more.

[QUOTE=Raymond Day;34821]I found out if I just turn off my HDMI TV and then back on it don’t get any signal. I thought it was going to sleep and could not come back. But looks like it can’t get back from turning the monitor off and back on. Is there a fix for this?

-Raymond Day[/QUOTE]

Tested this on another LCD TV and it’s the same. Turn the TV off and then back on and no signal.

This is on a Odroid-XU4 with a SD card not a eMMC. The SD card is a 64GB one. The USB flash drive is a 128GB one that’s were I have the ROM’s. It’s only using the power supply that came with it to power all that.

So I think it’s something wrong with the OS. It seems like when turn the monitor off it works a little more for a sec. So the Odroid-XU4 must be doing something when turning off the HDMI display.

-Raymond Day

I got the Mayflash N64 controller Adapter but can’t get it to work on the RetroArch. It does seem like a line of text comes up at the bottom of the screen saying it found one but it’s goes off fast and nothing happens when I push any thing on the N64 controller I have plug in the Mayflash.

Is there some setting to set it up to work with it?

Can I have both the Microsoft one plug in and this at the same time? The Microsoft one just works no settings.

Looking around in the file system I seen a file here:

/etc/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig/udev/Mayflash-N64-to-USB-Adapter.cfg In that file it has the same:

# Hex vid:pid = 0E8F:3013

As when I do a lsusb command and can see:

Bus 001 Device 008: ID 0e8f:3013 GreenAsia Inc.

Any one know why the N64 Controller Adapter don’t work on it then? Seems like it should.

-Raymond Day

I got another N64 controller plug in in the other port of the MayFlash and now it works. But how do I get back to the main menu? With the Microsoft controller is was the center round big button. That lights what what number controller it is.

-Raymond Day

I plug in my old 2006 gamemon USB controller Adapter and made this new file for it:

input_driver = “udev” input_device = “HuiJia USB GamePad” input_device_display_name = “Gampaq N64 to USB Adapter”

# Hex vid:pid = 19FA:8D91 -> Decimal vid:pid = 6650:36241 input_vendor_id = “6650” input_product_id = “36241”

input_b_btn = “2” input_start_btn = “9” input_up_btn = “12” input_down_btn = “14” input_left_btn = “15” input_right_btn = “13” input_a_btn = “1” input_l_btn = “6” input_r_btn = “7” input_l2_btn = “8” input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0” input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0” input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1” input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1” input_r_x_plus_axis = “-3” input_r_x_minus_axis = “+3” input_r_y_plus_axis = “+2” input_r_y_minus_axis = “-2”

input_b_btn_label = “B” input_start_btn_label = “Start” input_up_btn_label = “D-Pad Up” input_down_btn_label = “D-Pad Down” input_left_btn_label = “D-Pad Left” input_right_btn_label = “D-Pad Right” input_a_btn_label = “A” input_l_btn_label = “L” input_r_btn_label = “R” input_l2_btn_label = “Z” input_l_x_plus_axis_label = “Joystick Right” input_l_x_minus_axis_label = “Joystick Left” input_l_y_plus_axis_label = “Joystick Down” input_l_y_minus_axis_label = “Joystick Up” input_r_x_plus_axis_label = “C Right” input_r_x_minus_axis_label = “C Left” input_r_y_plus_axis_label = “C Down” input_r_y_minus_axis_label = “C Up”

When I go to save it it says:

Read-only file system.

Not even a mount -0 remount / will fix it.

Any way to wight a new file to it?

When I plug it in is says not configed on the button left of the screen.

-Raymond Day

Check your settings > directories and see where your ‘autoconfig’ directory is pointing. If that’s a read-only location, just change it to somewhere you can read/write and move your autoconfig there.

I check and there is no autoconfig I can find:

Lakka:~ # find / -name autoconfig Lakka:~ # Lakka:~ #

I even mounted the SD card in another system. But could not find the OS on it in that.

-Raymond Day

Ok, if there’s no autoconfig directory yet, just find a directory you can write to and make one. You should then be able to use the online updater to fetch autoconfig profiles and/or place your hand-made one in there and have RetroArch find it.