Just sharing a PowerShell script that I made to generate human readable MAME playlist

As soon as I finished the script and came to the forum to make this post, I see that there’s another thread stickied already on how to do this with AutoHotKey… but oh well I will post my script anyway:

I came to this forum whining a long while back about how inconvenient RetroArch is with MAME at the moment (I know this is currently being thought through and worked out)… so I finally decided to just make my own script to do what I needed. I think it’s pretty handy, and gets the job done pretty fast. I put a few variables in there which can allow you to generate the playlist blindly (do or don’t check if the rom file exists), ignore dupes/clones, and also to specify a year range. (I personally only prefer the late 80’s and 90’s games)

Here are the directions from my readme. Let me know if you find it to be of any use!


Grab the dat file appropriate to your own collection here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/dats/

Change the variables in the beginning of the PowerShell script as appropriate (most importantly pointing to the dat file that you just downloaded, and supplying correct ROM path/file extension). Be sure to review all of the variables here as some options will limit the number of ROMs that get added to the playlist. The default values may not be to your liking.

Run the script, then drop the generated playlist (.lpl file) into your playlist directory in RetroArch and you should be able to browse your games using the full ROM titles.

That’s great, thanks for sharing! It never hurts to have more options. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the script! I think it is a very good one and it will help us as a starting point to make our own scripts.

Looks like a good way to generate one big playlist. I will add a link in the stickied guide soon.

Thanks guys! It feels good to contribute something to the RetroArch community, even if it is tiny…

Note that I did make a bugfix… initially didn’t realize that the XML node names can vary from file to file, so I made it generic. Should work with all files now.