Keyboard support in Retroarch Android

Hi all,

Been trying to troubleshoot this for a while with zero success.

Retroarch recognises my keyboards (tried both USB wired and bluetooth) as I am able to type in appropriate places, and assign individual keys to Retropad standards and hotkeys. However, I cannot get it to be seen as a ‘Retrokeyboard’ in cores like Fuse that should support them.

Fuse in particular states in its documentation that in order to use a keyboard you set User 1 and 2 to ‘none’ and then User 3 to ‘Sinclair Keyboard’ however this results in my having no control whatsoever.

Is there anything I am doing wrong, or is there no way to set a keyboard to actually act as a keyboard using the current Android drivers?



RetroArch app was functioning normally on my Note 8 when running on Android 7.0. However upon updating to the latest Android 8.0 whenever now I am opening the app it is simply displaying a blank white screen on the start up and crashes itself automatically after a while. Any idea how to fix it?

Update: A good news guys! As I have deleted and reinstalled the app it’s running normally once again! :slight_smile:

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I am experiencing just the same problem. I can also use hotkeys (resetting the emulator for instance) but I cannot get the keys passed to the sinclair keyboard. Exactly the same keyboard and configuration works alright on a Mac. BTW, my understanding is that “retrokeyboard” is a legacy term and I am not expected to ever see a retrokeyboard device showing in my device list. Am I right?