The big news this month is that casdevel added support for multiple mice to be used as light guns, spinners, steering sheels, etc. for cores that support such things to begin with.
I’ve been testing this functionality out in Windows, where the retroarch.cfg “input_driver” setting must be raw for multiple mice to work. Things seem to be working correct here.
Linux operating systems with access to the udev input driver should also be able to benefit from this new functionality, but there hasn’t been much testing to date.
Is anyone interested in testing this out? We are using Terminator 2 ( with MAME 2003 as the benchmark ROM to test mouse inputs 1 and 2.
Other cores can also support multiple mice if their parent standalone emulator has support, although in some cases enabling multiple mice t will require updates to the libretro core .
You’ll need to use a recent builds of RetroArch that supports multiple mice, which you can tell based on whether there are Mouse Index settings for each player in the RetroArch input settings.
July 4 Update: If you download the most recent version of the MAME 2003 core from the online updater, it will have default button mappings for mice.