Loaded configuration won't stick?

Earlier today I made a configuration backup, and then decided to uninstall/reinstall Retroarch. I re-updated and set the driver back to xmb to match the config file. I managed to restore the configuration, but the settings will not save after quitting RA. When I open RA, I am shown the defaults? How do I get my configuration back?

make sure the config directory is set properly in settings > directories and check to ensure that your retroarch.cfg didn’t get overwritten by defaults when you first loaded.

Thanks for your help. It was getting overwritten by the default ‘vanilla’ config. I renamed the backup to retroarch.cfg and replaced the default retroarch.cfg with it. Everything is back to normal now :smiley:

Sweet. Glad you got it going :slight_smile:

Making a manual save and swapping it out with the retroarch.cfg is actually a really good practice. I would recommend it to anyone reading this, because even though ‘Save Configuration On Exit’ may be enabled, too often it doesn’t do anything on exit. This can be confirmed by making a subtle change to settings, then checking the timestamp on that file after exiting RA. My retroarch.cfg doesn’t always reflect the exit time, which means it didn’t get updated.

In Configuration, I have remaps and overrides set to automatically load, and to save the configuration on exit. It may have something to do with this:


I’m trying to get an override working, but RA seems to be ignoring it. Could you help? I can’t get RA to read this scanline shader (Android):

FCEUmm.cfg (Config/FCEUmm/FCEUmm.cfg)

videoshader = “/data/data/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_glsl/scanline.glsl”

…wish i could set the filter too, but i don’t know how to phrase the effect (videofilter = “linear”?)…

If you want to force linear filtering in the shader, do that in the glslp file instead of the override.

It’s the only override I have in the file. The override print has never shown up, only my remap. If i could get this override to work, I could test the save on exit.

Forgot to mention that Per Core options is turned off. I’ve read that it needs to be turned off in order to use overrides instead. I can’t tell if your example below suggests that Per Core options are turned on…?? (core_options_path = “nes-options.cfg”)

I can do without the filter if i cannot make it an override. I just need the shader, but it won’t read the shader. The example below is all I have to go by, and I think I’m doing it wrong.

These aren’t working: videoshader = “/data/data/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_glsl/scanline.glsl” videoshader = “shaders/shaders_glsl/scanline.glsl” videoshader = “shaders_glsl/scanline.glsl” videoshader = “shaders\shaders_glsl\scanline.glsl” videoshader = “scanline.glsl”

I finally managed to get an override to work:

core_options_path = “…/config/FCEUmm/FCEUmm-2.cfg” videoshader = “/data/data/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_glsl/scanline.glsl”

The override set the core options, but it still ignores the shader. I’m pretty sure that’s the right path so I don’t really know what else to do.

It should be video_shader = “whatever”. If you have videoshader, it won’t work.

Didn’t even think of that, thanks so much lol :smiley:

The shader now appears under Shader Options as an override, but because it has no filter to go with it, the shader still doesn’t work. I tried video_filter = “Linear” but had no luck. Is it not possible to apply a filter?

I saved a shader preset, but I cannot find it. If i could, I might be able to point the override to that preset instead of the shader itself.

The save configuration on exit works again, it may have had something to do with the override not applying from before. I think I am finally beginning to understand this thing now.

Just create a new file called scanline.glslp and give it these contents:

shaders = 1
shader0 = scanline.glsl
filter_linear0 = true

Then set your video_shader = “scanline.glslp”

The shader shows up under Shader Options, but the filter doesn’t? I tried loading the retroarch.glslp (shaders/retroarch.glslp) to test, it loaded both the shader and the filter, but didn’t appear in game. Seems they still need to be applied somehow (Apply Shader Changes), only then it works.

Turns out i was saving the file as a glslp.txt file instead of glslp. Both the shader and filter show up under Shader Options, but the shader override doesn’t apply when the game starts? Does anyone know why this is?

I have finally figured everything out. I was missing a quotation before the shader path in the override, no wonder it wasn’t working. I also had video shaders set to false in the main configuration, so even the global shader wasn’t applying.

Thanks to everyone who helped me in this thread. I know it kinda went all over the place, but I understand way more now than I ever did before.

That’s great! I’m glad you got it all sorted out. There is indeed a lot to keep track but you’ve bumped into almost all of it :slight_smile: