Loading N64 titles crash RA

I’ve got a Windows 10 VM running in my unraid server, retroarch is installed and streams through Sunshine to other devices. Everything worked perfect for a few days, now all of a sudden my N64 roms no longer boot. Nothing new has been installed besides a windows update.

I’ve tried both mupen64 and parallel, I get the same result. I select the rom, hit run, it reloads the window for the rom and just exits. Debug log shows no error. I’ve disabled cores to change video output, changed the output to every output available. Some video outputs end up giving an error saying it could not load content with log error “SET_HW_RENDER: Dynamic verify HW context failed”

The only thing I did to retroarch was delete and reload my library (renamed a few roms, deleted a few roms). Nothing that would cause it to crash. Roms for all other consoles work fine. I’m stumped.


if it worked at some point but doesn’t anymore, you can move/rename your ‘config’ directory and your retroarch.cfg file and it will revert all of your settings to default. If that doesn’t get you going again, the issue probably isn’t from inside of RetroArch.

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Yeah, I’ve been pulling my hair out with this one. I couldn’t get it to work again with the win10 vm, so I installed 8.1, 7, and 11. The same thing happened in each OS. Download mupen64plus, import n64 folder, try loading a game and it just crashes retroarch.

Try manually setting your video driver to “gl”, restart or quit RetroArch and try again. See if it helps.