Lock controller to a single input

Trying to setup multiple controllers. I have a xinmo, 2 usb playstation controllers(shanwan) and 4 usb n64 controllers(switch co ltd)

What I want, is the xinmo on input 1 and 2, the ps on 3 and 4, and the n64 on 5-8. The xinmo is always plugged in, while the usb controllers are plugged in when I want to use those consoles. Currently, the usb controllers take over input 1 and 2, and because the buttons and axis aren’t bound the same, it screws up my binds. I can reset the inputs from the quick menu, and the settings menu, but I don’t want to do that every time.

How can I lock a controller to an input? I’m thinking something like this

mapdevice device="PID_0F01" controller="GUNCODE_5"

used for mame, but for retroarch. that code from sinden, and i’m gonna have one of those soon too.

was also thinking could add a udev rule file in /etc/udev/rules.d. but have no clue really…

Update: switched the xinmo buttons to match the ps controller. seems to work ok so far. n64 tomorrow. that’ll be fun… Locking the controls would be a better solution, so i’m leaving this up, in case anyone knows…

2nd update. Def need some sort of solution for n64 controllers. basically the stick and dpad are mirroring eachother, so when moving forward, the view looks down and backward, the view starts going up. I can’t figure out why they would be bound twice.

update:set right analog forced. spent hours on this. same with the last set of n64 controllers I used a couple years ago. This should be documented somewhere.

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I don’t know if it will work, but try this:

  1. Plug all controllers simultaneously
  2. Open RetroArch
  3. Go to settings > input > retropad binds
  4. Open each port you want and set device index to the desired one.
  5. Be sure to save the configuration afterwards.