Looking for rom utilities to help manage/organize my collection

I want to work on my rom collection. I want to clean things up a little and maybe rename some of them. I know some people say, “don’t rename them”, but I really hate jumbled up filenames that try to fit every possible attribute or detail into the filename. I like nice clean names, and it seems like the system pulls the game title from the filename. I want to play Super Castlevania IV, not Super Castlevania IV (USA) (1991). When selecting a game to play, I rarely care what year it was released, and since I only play U.S. releases, having the country or region in the name is redundant.

Will someone explain to me the reasons why I shouldn’t rename my roms and, assuming I agree with those reasons, is there a way to display the actual name of the game in RetroArch without all that extra information built directly into the filename?

Finally, I’ve heard several users mention some rom utilities that let you verify roms, rename, etc., but they’ve never really mentioned them by name. What are some of the better rom utilities out there to help manage and organize my collection and where might I find them?
