Lutro does not load

Tento jogar o core Lutro mas não funciona já baixei todos os jogos pelo próprio retroarch 1.3.6 pelo android, escolho o core mas quando vou escolher o jogo e carregar ele fecha o retroarch e volta para o desktop do android, o mesmo ocorre quando vou carregar jogos pelo parallel e vou carregar um jogo do n64, não sei o que pode estar acontecendo.

I try to play the core lutro but does not work already downloaded all games by himself retroarch 1.3.6 for android, choose the core but when I choose the game and load it closes the retroarch and back to the desktop of android, the same happens when I load games for parallel and will carry a n64 game, do not know what might be happening.

Lutro has some problems on Android. I think it works if you unzip the archive and load the main.lua file instead.

ParaLLEl requires Vulkan, so your device needs to support that. Nvidia Shield does but it currently just gives a black screen right now. We’re not sure whether it’s a problem on our end or a driver problem on Nvidia’s end but we’re hoping to talk to some of their driver engineers soon to get it working.

[QUOTE=hunterk;44427]Lutro has some problems on Android. I think it works if you unzip the archive and load the main.lua file instead.

ParaLLEl requires Vulkan, so your device needs to support that. Nvidia Shield does but it currently just gives a black screen right now. We’re not sure whether it’s a problem on our end or a driver problem on Nvidia’s end but we’re hoping to talk to some of their driver engineers soon to get it working.[/QUOTE]

hunterk obrigado meu querido, poderia esperar o Lutro para o nintendo wii? e pelo que pude ver o meu mx3-g suporta o vulkan.

hunter thank my dear, could expect the Other to the nintendo wii? and from what I could see my mx3-g supports vulkan.