Lutro Pong controls not working correctly

I downloaded this Pong game for the Lutro core.

Lutro Pong


Both keyboard Up and Down Arrows move the paddle Up. There is no way to move the paddle Down.

I looked at the game’s lua file code to see if there’s a bug in the controls, but didn’t find anything.

The RetroArch Controls also look set correctly.

I’ve fixed it. There was a bug in the release version’s Player1.lua and Player1.moon files, down acceleration should be positive, not negative. I replaced it with the updated source code.

 if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
    self.acceleration.y = -self.accelerationSpeed
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
    self.acceleration.y = -self.accelerationSpeed (bug)

A found out a .lutro file is really just a .zip file, so I was able to recreate it, I didn’t have to compile.

I’ve uploaded the fixed version for anyone who comes across this.
Note, this is not a ripped console rom, it’s a free game off GitHub with MIT license.

For anyone that wants it, I modified the code so that it’s more like the real Pong, with smaller paddles. And tried to fix the problem of the ball hitting at too sharp an angle, causing it to bounce across the screen slow.

Pong Original Arcade

Lutro Pong

Lutro Pong (Modified)