Magnavox Odyssey 2 or Philips Videopac?

I’m just now getting into RetroArch, and loving it. It’s especially sweet with my tiny little Impulse Controller. It’s really amazing.

I know it’s not a popular or well-loved machine, but are there any plans to make a core for the Odyssey 2? I’ll bet it would be fairly simple and O2EM ( is out there if someone cared enough to port it.

I would love some K.C. Munchkin and Pick Axe Pete on Android.

rough and WIP but it should works.

nice adition 7rtype,thanks!

hows the mame 139 core going?

Ermagerd I love you!!!

it’s not much. just quick port.

Also I’ve noticed some graphic bug in game like SUPER BEE , or K.C Munchkin (ex: when you move wall are black ) but I’m not an expert of O2 and O2EM. So i don’t know if the behavior is due to the port . Can someone test the original O2EM and report here if the bugs are present or not ?

I’ve done a rough port of mame139 , not perfect but it compile & run for PC (32/64) and android ( anyway slow on my old android device) . Now i don’t have shield or recent android device so can test or tell if it works great .

There are game variations in KC Munchkin that have invisible walls while you’re moving. Is that what you’re seeing? Try starting with game variation 0 or 1 I think.

Killer Bees has a lot of flickering going on. Is that the same game?

The DOS version of O2EM is pretty much perfect in terms of verisimilitude from what I remember.

What’s the process for getting this core placed into the Google Play version of RetroArch?

Ok thanks for the answers ,

i thinks i had a mistake with the Virtualkbd , because if i hit P on pc keyboard i go to the programming mode , but when i do with virtual keyboard it’s start the game with invisible walls . the i ve to lookat what is wrong .

Edit : Ok i’ve tested on android and vkbd works fine , press P give programming mode , and start with 0 start game with visible walls .

now for put it on your android device , for now you have no choice , you have to do it on a rooted device as it’s debug core and not an official one.

You have to compile for android and then put the .so manually to the retroarch core directory ( /data/data/org.retroartch/lib/ ). and put the roms & bios folder in /mnt/sdcard/O2EM/

> cd build > export PATH=/opt/somewhere/andtoolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/bin:$PATH > make “platform=android”

> adb push /mnt/sdcard/ > adb shell >> su >># cp /mnt/sdcard/ /data/data/org.retroarch/lib/

Looks nice, can’t wait for it to go into the official core. I might try to compile it into the iOS version as I don’t plan to root my Nexus. Thanks for taking the time to put that together!

I have no IOS device to test , but i think you can manage to compile it with minimal change. you ll have to look other retro core (like mame2003 and lookat makefile to set the platform specs.

Hello RetroArch community,

As a kid of the 80’s, I’m very excited with RetroArch support to Odissey 2 emulation.

RetroArch + Odissey 2 works relatively well on my 3 emulation setups:

  • RetroArch for Windows running on PC / Windows 7
  • RetroArch for Android TV running on Nvidia Shield
  • RetroArch for Android TV running on Sony Android Smart TV.

There is just one annoying issue. Some single-payer games (e.g. UFO, ALIEN, and SUPER COBRA) by default expect the “single-player” to play the game with joystick2.

If you have 2 gamepads installed in your system, of course you can play the game with joystick2. If you only have 1 gamepad, it is not possible to play the game.

In another forum ( ) , a solution was proposed to change the default joystick mapping. The idea is to create a companion file named .cfg for every rom-file .bin with the following lines:

input_player1_joypad_index = “1” input_player2_joypad_index = “0”

Has anyone tried and succeeded with that solution ?

I failed to get games that require joystick2 for single-player games to work with joystick1-only in all 3 different setups described above.

For games that work directly with the joystick1, I have my Odissey 2 emulation running smoth.

Thanks a lot for the information !

Exciting times with Odyssey 2 emulation on RetroArch, especially for an 80s kid like me. I’ve got it running well on Windows, Nvidia Shield, and Sony Android Smart TV. However, there’s a snag with single-player games like UFO, ALIEN, and SUPER COBRA defaulting to joystick2.

I’ve tried a proposed solution from a forum, creating a .cfg file with specific lines for each ROM-file, but it hasn’t worked across my setups. Any success stories or alternative solutions?

Games that use joystick1 directly run smoothly. Appreciate any insights from the community.