Here’s the scenario:
I have my default mupen64plus-next.opt file configured to 2x upscale so all games are affected. When i save a gameX.opt file because i want a per-game change, for instance a different GFX plugin, that gameX.opt file also saves the 2x upscale line inside it. So, when i decide i don’t want to play games at 2x resolution anymore and change it to 1x in the core .opt file, it will only affect the games that don’t have a per-game .opt file. The others will still have the 2x upscale line in them from before.
That means, if i have .opt files for many games, i have to open them all and change each one manually to 1x resolution. Now, this can be done easily enough with something like notepad++. But it’s not a clean solution, plus, you can’t do the fast way from RA’s main menu because you have to use an external program.
Now, if the .opt file behaved like an override, like a .cfg file does, this wouldn’t’ be a problem. Overrides only save the different values in the per game or per directory .cfg files. If you don’t change something it will still be read from the default core .cfg file.
Can .opt files behave like overrides then? Is such change possible?