I’ve been out of the loop a bit with keeping up with RA releases on Wii. So I dove back in again recently and have notice that since 1.4 there’s now a MAME 2000 core. Which is sweet, sweet news to us arcade fanatics and a great addition to the FBA cores. Also samples are working great… Q*Bert and Berzerk in all their digitised speech glory. Question is: any ongoing work with a compatibility/bug list specific to that core? If so, would be happy to contribute. If not, might start something up. I’m going back on lists for the old SDL MAME Wii port as a reference point. Some games are reported OK on that, but have graphics issues such as with text/background layers on the RA core (Starforce, Altered Beast). Leading me to think its more an RA core issue? Probably makes sense to take the mame037b5 list and remove whats common with/works with FBA, since anything on that should be more optimised. Thoughts?
Edit: anything related to the old MAME Wii port probably isn’t worth relying for this core. I’m seeing lists that just take the MAME GUI text on rom status as verbatim “GFX OK, Sound OK” when there are actually problems running on Wii.