MAME Current Alternate Rendering

Yeah OK. Those are not “soft” art settings. They are hard coded into MAME during compile.

Let me see what I can figure out to solve both issues.

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OK. The “View” settings in the MAME OSD are not stored it the ini files, they are stored in the cfg files in “RetroArch\saves\mame\cfg”

Here is an example for cdimono1 (Philips CDi)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
    <system name="cdimono1">
            <device instance="cdrom" directory="" />
            <target index="0" view="Main Screen Standard (4:3)" />

The pertinent lines are…

    <target index="0" view="Main Screen Standard (4:3)" />

So you don’t need write config or read config enabled for that. And you definitely don’t need the mame paths option you mentioned.

I tested with both read config and write config enabled though and was still able to save a game opt.

You must be missing something somewhere. Which version of the core are you running, Current?


Yes, current MAME core.

Well I am stumped. :frowning_face:

I am having none of the issues you mention in either thread, and I have thoroughly put the MAME core through it’s paces over the last year.

If I can’t screw something up with all the tinkering I have been doing, I have no idea how yours got so broken.

I would suggest doing a temporary install of RA in a new folder and start from scratch… see if you have the same issues without making any changes to the MAME defaults.

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Thanks… I may try that, but may stick with the workaround for now.

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