Mame default.cfg

It seems that the default.cfg for mame isn’t working for any of the games.

Not sure if it matters, but the retroarch.cfg in the root has been modified to remap the 1st and 2nd player buttons to match my arcade stick and buttons.

In each mame game the global map keys (default.cfg) do not apply to the games even after setting them in mame. I would have to manually set the keys for each game. It seems that each game defaults the original retroarch.cfg

Nothing has changed and it’s working for me so you need to elaborate more Also the core doesn’t use retroarch.cfg for anything

Sorry, I mean the default.cfg used by mame. it’s the global key mapping that all games used by default of the games do not have a specific key map for itself.

For example I load up Street fighter 2. I press the tab key and I get the Mame config menu. I set the global keys to match my arcade button. I close the game out and I load up Street fighter 2 CE. I expected the global configuration keymaps to apply to that game, but it doesn’t. I would have to map the keys to that game specifically.

Just FYI, I’m using a j-pac/ipac to emulate my buttons for the keyboard.

Did you create the relevant folders as detailed here?

The folders listed in the link you mention are created automatically when I launch a MAME game. Thank you for that link, I didn’t realize there were core options for Mame. I didn’t you could enable the mouse and disable those info screens.

Funny thing. After deleting the Street Fighter 2 cfg and loading the game the buttons are perfectly mapped given that I have mapped my arcade button to match my xbox controller. But it seems that other games like Street Fighter 2 CE and Raiden have different mappings.

For example SF2 is mapped with its 6 button fighter layout (when loading the game for the firs time).

123 456

Xbox controller mapping YXL BAR

But for other games they’re mapped:

542 153

Xbox controller mapping ABX YLR

Does the MAME core have different mappings for different games?

[QUOTE=Radius;21271]Did you create the relevant folders as detailed here?[/QUOTE]

Yes, now that we have a function to override mappings per-core/per-game I might try to get rid of those per-game mappings inside the core

That explains quite a bit for me. Thank you.

Does the latest stable version support the “per core/game” feature that you mention?

Is there a link or documentation I can refer to?

Just the nighlies I have some info in my blog


I finally figure it out. Out of all the games I use as my baseline for MAME, which is Street Fighter 2, it turns out the built in mapping inside the core has caused me a week of frustration. So any global settings I use to map the keys when I load the SF2 rom doesn’t work for any other game in MAME. But if I use a random game (one that does not have a built in keymap in the core), like Raiden, the global settings I set for it will work for all the other games.

For the games that have a specified mapping that’s built into the core those games will need to have a custom per-game mapping in mame. Is there a list of games that have built in mapping in the core?

Thank you Radius for clarifying about the built-in mapping for the game. I hope this info will help others in the same situation as me.

As much as I like the new per core/game settings in RetroArch, there are so many games in MAME with weird control setups that having the extra layer of customization through the MAME OSD seems essential. Maybe make the MAME cfg folder optional like reading from mame.ini is now.

It already reads cfg files, I had tested that personally back then when I added path functionality

Right, I just mean if you removed the functionality of the core to read and write from MAME’s default and per game configs, you’d lose the ability to map certain things differently. Like AD Sticks and Dial controls. You can also only change stuff like audio sliders through the MAME OSD.

What I would do (doing stuff in the MAME core is too tedious so I keep postponing this) is add a core options that removes per-game mappings and uses a single map. Then let everyone leverage MAME GUI or our own remap system to do whatever they want.

[QUOTE=Radius;21316]What I would do (doing stuff in the MAME core is too tedious so I keep postponing this) is add a core options that removes per-game mappings and uses a single map. Then let everyone leverage MAME GUI or our own remap system to do whatever they want.[/QUOTE] That would probably work well. As I’ve been converting my setup to the new per core/per game configs, I’ve been thinking about how to simplify my MAME setup. Right now it’s very reliant on per game settings done through the MAME GUI, with some changes to it’s default.cfg to clear up some conflicts with a couple RetroArch hotkeys.

So far I figured out I could enable the mouse in core options for all games and unmap paddle controls from the mouse in MAME GUI general inputs. That disabled the mouse from affecting steering in analog games like Outrun. So now it just works with dial and trackball games, which I wanted to use a mouse for. Doing that got rid of the need for an appended config enabling the mouse only for those games.