MAME/FB Alpha Scanning

I am tending to use FB Alpha after some confusion with MAME, but i noticed on both of them, with certain ROM files, not all of them, they will scan tons of the same ROM, Iv noticed this with tmnt and Radion. Any Solutions? for example- it will pick up the file and place it on the main menu but i will have close to a hundred boxarts of the same game.

I think i have the same problem. For eg, i should only have 1 of these 2 player x-men entries in my playlist…

I’m also having trouble scanning FBA or MAME roms, I get 0 results from 2000 odd roms which I’ve scanned with CLRMamePro, really not sure what I’m doing wrong - is there an issue scanning these?

EDIT: I have no issues scanning console games, issue seems to be solely related to arcade games.

Try updating the Databases and Autoconfig Profiles via the Online Updater. I have a suspicion the databases need to be up to date before it’ll populate a playlist.

I’ve tried that and I just doesn’t work, is it broken? I can’t scan Neo Geo, CPS1 or CPS2 noms either.

My buddy came over and fixed it for me. I wish I remember what he did. I think he found some external playlist generator. but this is an old post I am sure it has been fixed by now

I’m in the same way, aastandard console rom are scanning and generatingg a playlist fine, but arcade gagmes (negeo geo, cps1/2) are scanning, but the playlist is not generated. You can play them by loading the core manually, but it’s pretty anoying