Mame git 181 discussion

No menu tab to setup controllers in mame/mess systems anymore. Why did you do this. Thanks for the disappointment.

They did it on purpose just to screw you and your friend.

1 Like

Haha real funny a$$hole

Just because you were born retarded and canā€™t figure out simple things. Donā€™t be an a$$hole

It suits yourself.

The OSD menu is definitely still there.

The hostility is not needed.

Thank you for the unhostile answer hunterk. The other person didnā€™t have to give a sarcastic answer like he did. Do you know how to access the menu? The tabs donā€™t work like mame174 and prior? Thank you hunterk

issue filed here

The menu is difficult to get to currently, though weā€™ll hopefully get it fixed up soon. In the short-term, you need to use the ā€˜tabā€™ key, which can be difficult to do on Android.

Thank you hunterk

How do you get to tab in android?

You have to have a keyboard connected and the ā€˜game-focus modeā€™ or assign a ā€˜hotkey-enableā€™ button/key, which will make RetroArch stop listening for its own hotkeys unless the enabler is pressed.

This might not be something you want to bother with right now, so you might want to just hold off until we make it more accessible (just keep an eye on the issue opened by Rezznate) or unless you can make any ini/cfg files in another core and copy them over for this one.

Ok thanks,iā€™ll wait.

And you honestly think that your attitude will make me fix the situation, while I have 10,000 other things to do right now.

@Reznnate , I will still try to take the time to reply , as you open an github issue ,to explain why for now I have not renewed the default key assignment as before. in previous versions , i got a lot of complain from users about the default assignment , which cannot be change by user and which was hard coded . in fact we did an fake keyboard device and hard-code L2/R2/L3 and PAD UP/DN/LFT/RGT.

   sprintf(defname, "Pad%d", i);
      Pad_device[i] = machine.input().device_class(DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD).add_device(defname);

      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_L2], &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_L2],(input_item_id)(ITEM_ID_TAB+0),retrokbd_get_state );
      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_R2], &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_R2],(input_item_id)(ITEM_ID_F11+0),retrokbd_get_state );
      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_L3], &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_L3],(input_item_id)(ITEM_ID_F2+0),retrokbd_get_state );

      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_PAD_UP]   , &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_PAD_UP]   ,PAD_DIR[i][0],retrokbd_get_state );
      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_PAD_DOWN] , &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_PAD_DOWN] ,PAD_DIR[i][1],retrokbd_get_state );
      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_PAD_LEFT] , &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_PAD_LEFT] ,PAD_DIR[i][2],retrokbd_get_state );
      input_device_item_add_pad (i,Buttons_Name[RETROPAD_PAD_RIGHT], &joystate[i].button[RETROPAD_PAD_RIGHT],PAD_DIR[i][3],retrokbd_get_state );

I didnā€™t want to reproduce it with last mame core , so i remove the ā€œhard codedā€ keyboard device. all the above input are bind to a ā€˜mame joystick buttonā€™









Now you can assign a button to what you want , by using mame OSD menu . but I m agree on android itā€™s a problem to hit an tab key. I usually use the keyboard overlay to do it , but recently i found a bug that prevent me to use it , because when I leave keyboard overlay ,the joystick overlay is not enabled . then you cant control the emulator after.

So , in short , I will look at a way to enable TAB key on android when iā€™ll have time . nothing else.

Didnā€™t mean no disrespect. I understand the hard work that goes into this. It just put me at a stand still of my mame/mess work. Just got me frustrated. Sorry man

A friend of mine got this core to bring up menu and keep all the controls unlike 174. This core speed is unreal. In 174 Philips cdi was horribly slow and now with 181 itā€™s full speed. Sorry again if I offended anyone

Why I loaded mame core displayed ā€˜no coreā€™?When I loaded a game with mame core displayed ā€˜failed to open libretro coreā€™,is this core broken?

What is your device? And can you test Cave SH3 games? Iā€™m talking Esgaluda 2, Mushihimesama, Deathsmile?

Those games only work for me in mame core 2014

Use mame181 roms if you want them to run on mame181. If i was paid every time i have to say that, i would be richā€¦