Struggling to figure out mame input settings. Mame git core Retroarch 1.3.4
I know they are setup within mame core but wondered what .cfg they are saved to?
Struggling to figure out mame input settings. Mame git core Retroarch 1.3.4
I know they are setup within mame core but wondered what .cfg they are saved to?
They get saved to the mame.ini if you have the folder structure for it. I think lately someone added the ability to make the folders automatically, I think in the ‘system’ directory…?
Thanks hunterk,
Yeah just checked and a mame folder was created in system folder and that has the input settings.
While on the input subject I forgot to ask what “bind default all” And “analogue to digital type” in user 1 inputs
‘bind default all’ puts all of your binds back to default and ‘analogue to digital type’ lets you change which analog acts as the dpad, iirc.