MAME (latest) - select+start to open MAME menu crashes Retroarch

I don’t know if this is a bug or not but every time I try to press both Select+Start buttons together to open MAME internal settings menu (to change button settings, etc…), it crashes Retroarch.

Am I doing something wrong here or the internal MAME ui menu is no longer supported?

Sorry ImnoTapLumber if I did a mistake here. I’m a new Retroarch user so I don’t know what’s happening here. Why is my post being withdrawn?

EDIT: It seems that this Select+Star button combination is used to exit Retroarch and so it’s not “crashing” as I mentioned in my previous post.

But if this is the case, which combination do I have to press to open the internal MAME menu after entering a game?

It is my post i withdrawn :slight_smile:
I overlooked the “Android” and my post was about the behavior on windows.

I am sorry for confusing things, unfortunately i have no clue how it works on android.

Ok, it seems that Start+Select will bring up the mame-gui if you have set the Settings - Input - Hotkeys - Menu Toggle Gamepad Combo to something other than Start+Select

If you are searching for the ingame mame-menu, the key-combo should be Select+Retropad X or Y depending on the game.
(Never figured out, why on some games X and Y are swapped)

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Thank you!! It works :smiley:

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