Mame non-arcade/ mess cores for Android/ Switch?

Hi all, I am trying to run a non-arcade driver (m20) on android and/ or switch. It seems that the corresponding mame-mess cores are not being built for these devices. I am on latest v1.14 and can only find multiple arcace cores. The m20 driver is working well on linux using the mamemess_libretro core. Am I missing something, or would it be possible for those cores to also be build for android/ switch?

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The last known mame/mess core that worked for Android was 0.226, after that version mess was removed from Android mame because it became too large to compile or something like that. So you’d have to find a mame 0.226 core and manually install it which is simple and easy.

Another option is finding the mess 2015 core which is based on mame version 0.160 (this core only works on the 32 bit version of RetroArch). You’ll also need to create a folder called “mess2015” and put it in your “system” folder. Inside the mess folder should be the hash folder where all the mame/mess xml files belong or you won’t be able to load up any games.

I have both of these cores backed up including the mess2015 folder with the hash files and use the mess core on my Shield TV. I don’t know if I’m allowed to upload those cores here but I can if I’m given the green light. If not I can shoot you a pm.

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Thanks for confirming that the cores are currently not available. It makes sense that the whole core grew too large. I was hoping the mess core could again be included by building it separately. I don’t know how much work that would be though. If it’s easy it might be worth pinging the right person to let them know that there is still interest in such a core?

In any case, thanks for providing the version numbers, and I’d be very happy to test your backed up/ latest working mess cores.

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I’ll send them by pm.

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Reporting back that the old mame/mess 0.226 core works perfectly. If it’s not too much effort, it would be great to see a (separate?) mess core back in RetroArch.

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Does anyone know/ remember if the Android mamemess core supported direct keyboard input. I’m trying to get it work with “game focus mode” with no luck so far. Any other options?

A dedicated MESS core should now be available through the online updater on Android64.

Thanks for the support and testing feedback! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the hard work. So far, it works great with non-arcade MAME roms on my phone. Tested a dozen home consoles and handheld systems.