MAME Overlays per game question

Hey guys! Might be a noob question, but here it goes;

Is there a way/path to place pngs and cfgs so when launching a ROM it recognizes it has the same name and loads the overlay up automatically?

I am not able to make it happen, and the idea of having to configure each overlay/bezel per game in MAME is killing me.


No, we don’t have any way to automatically load stuff.

Thank you Hunter; was worth the shot :slight_smile:

Fortunately much of the work has already been done by others. Search the forum for arcade bezel overlays, these come with both the overlay and the matching cfg. Drop them in the overlays folder you’re done!

@sonkun done a set of about 1000. Think it was metalzoics bezel set. He did do all the overrides aswell but they will need some batch adjustments in np++. If the link is down let me know as I think I have them backed up.

Also there is a git repo for arcade overlays. I think that has overrides but the above will still apply

Thank you @Duckeenie, but besides the overlay image and the cfg file, I need as well another RA config file for the game, to let it know to load the overlay when launched. Am I right? If not, I would still need to load the cfg manually on each new opened game and then save the game override.

Thank you @Thatman84; I will check @sonkun pack for the overrides.

You’re correct. It’s been a while since I did mine. I was confusing the layout.cfg with the game .cfgs. As you say, both are needed. Anyway I too have those backed up so if you get stuck…

Seems the sonkun set has been chopped by github on my git repo fork. Also the libretro arcade overlay repo wasnt loading.

:frowning: also the overrides are not on github from what i can tell. Will have to put them up on google drive or something for you soon

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No overrides but here they are

Also there is a share to some overrides in that thread.

Here is my mirror i have overlays+cfg only though!xN4g1Y4b!w6yWeu7anvpEfG1tSZX0sg

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