Mame2003plus: how to sort vertical games from dat files include

HI, I would like to know if there is a possibilty to sort vertical games list directly from the last dat files generated from the core or available on github? The goal is to create config files per game in order to specify the screen ratio and apply a vertical shader crt for these game. I was able to automate creation of cfg files but need to sort vertical games. Thanks for your support Regards

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I believe ROMLister will generate a split set of data for you.

thanks, I have ever test it but it need and mame.exe to create a database. I would prefer to go from the last dat files generated by mame2003plus to stick to my perfect romset (even if it miss double dragon samples track 2 :wink:)

edit: sorry it’s another log which need a mame.exe, but romlister ask me when I put the dat files to be a non merged set to use the filter.

Except in a few edge cases where they are using “illegal” methods for a libretro shader, or the core isn’t handling rotation properly for a libretro core (see, nowaday vertical-specific shaders shouldn’t be required : the shaders are supposed to be properly applied to the screen before rotation, as they were always meant to be because vertical games use standard crt that are physically rotated.

I see thanks but I need to create config files for vertical games in order to add a core provided video setting instead of my regular custom config on horizontal games. So I need this listing of vertical games. Anyway thanks for the shader’s tips

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Yeah, I believe mame2003 is one of these edge cases.

In the case of splitting your configs I recommend actually splitting the location if your ROMS and using a content directory configuration. Unless you want to use two complete sets of ROMS in each folder you will want to use a non-merged set anyway. I’m sure this was the developers thought also.

No, mame2003plus is handling rotation properly, same as every arcade cores except mame & mame2016. If the crt shader is properly written, it will work properly regardless of the game’s orientation.

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