Manual remapping of controls

So I’m trying to manually write my own remap file and, while I was able to do this in the past, something isn’t working anymore and I’m not sure what it is.

This is my SwanStation.rmp file:

input_player1_a = “c” input_player1_b = “x” input_player1_down = “down” input_player1_l = “w” input_player1_l2 = “q” input_player1_l3 = “a” input_player1_left = “left” input_player1_r = “e” input_player1_r2 = “r” input_player1_r3 = “d” input_player1_right = “right” input_player1_select = “rshift” input_player1_start = “enter” input_player1_up = “up” input_player1_x = “s” input_player1_y = “z”

It’s located in “config\remaps\SwanStation”. Although RetroArch says the remapping is loaded, there are no actual changes in-game.

Anyone has any insight?