I am having all sorts of issues after installing to my Linux machine. I have used Lakka in the past and I’m somewhat-competent in getting games to run successfully. Until Now.
Here is the pastebin to my config file:
I am only using roms I have been playing for a long time. So, I’m 99.9% certain the roms aren’t the issue. Super-paranoid me was worried I might have corrupted some rom files when transferring to my ‘assets’ folder. So, I verified the checksum of a handful of roms with my master copies and they match.
Currently I am only running my N64 Roms. I haven’t imported any of my SNES, NES os PS1 roms in yet.
I know I can always remove / purge and reinstall; but I’m worried if I do that, I’m going to spend another 15 hours frustrated and still having the same issues. Also. That doesn’t help me learn what I’m doing wrong. I would like to know what I screwed up so I can avoid these issues in the future if possible,
I know my roms are good. I’ve used them on several Lakka boxes and they work amazingly well. Problem with Lakka is its JUST Lakka. I can’t run Pandora, Firefox, Kodi on the same hard drive. Which is why I wanted to switch to RA. (Yes, I did change many of my directories; but they all point to the correct folders, I just wanted to consolidate my RA folder so I could easily copy an entire folder when backing up.)
Here’s a list of issues I’ve been having in no particular order.
I don’t have an option to update Retro Arch. In Lakka, you could update the actual OS from the update menu. (NOT sure this is a bug; but this has fixed issues some in Lakka). There ARE other update options available and working (cores, thumbnails etc).
Enable Mouse Support is missing from the input menu. It was there when I first installed; but it disappeared after some crashing (detailed below). I have had missing menu issues with Lakka and updating the program itself did fix this; however I do not have the option to update RA in my update settings (as mentioned above).
The program crashes with certain ‘triggers’ - ALL crashes happens with no warning and give no error on-screen. It behaves as if I run the terminal command sudo killall libretro && sudo killall retroarch - the window simply immediately closes.
When I try to change 'Unified Menu Controls’ the program crashes when I try to back out of the menu to save config.
Every time it crashes, it resets my ‘Start Retro Arch in fullscreen mode’ option. I have that option disabled so I can browse youtube, change Pandora stations etc. I usually run in full screen windowed mode; but upon a crash (of any kind) this option gets reset.
When in-game, anytime I push the ‘B’ button, it RA immediately crashes. When navigating the menu, the ‘B’ button works just fine. I use an OEM 360 Controller made for PC (it is NOT a 360 controller for the console - this is specifically for PC). I have bound this controller to Lakka and RA many times successfully. I just can’t get it to work here.
RA does not recognize keyboard no matter whet I do. Plug in, unplug, bind keys etc… The keyboard is as effective as a paperweight. It works fine for all other programs. Just not RA.
Loading roms VERY frequently gives me an error could not load libretro core - I can launch a rom 5 times with the same core and it might fail 4 times. I’ve tried updating my cores SEVERAL times. No luck.
When I pull up my quick menu (set to L3 + R3), sometimes the whole program freezes when I try to resume or restart the rom. If I hit the ‘B’ button, from the quick menu it crashes. But, if the quick menu is not freezing (like if I go into the cheat menu), the ‘B’ button works just fine.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. If you need more info, screencaps or a beer, hit me up
EDIT: This is also posted on the RA subreddit. I hope its okay to cross-post between the two