Mapping buttons from cfg file

Can I manually map buttons on nunchuck using retroarch.cfg file? Changing values on the file?

Yes, for the values see: … t_joypad.c

Ugh… I’m very confused, If it’s not a bother for you can you explain to me what I must do exactly to swap Z and C buttons. There is some chaotic data in file. I can’t find it, I’m not sure what exactly what ?m looking for.

If you mean swap existing numbers, just open the cfg and use the find function to look for the values.

Nunchuk Z = 54 and Nunchuk C = 55, simply find those numbers and swap them.

Remember that you need to do this to the core cfg; if the currently selected core is this one then you also have to edit retroarch.cfg. This is because per core configs work by reading retroarch.cfg, so for that to work all the settings in a core cfg get copied/overwritten to retroarch.cfg on core loading. To be on the safe side edit both.

You’re a lifesaver, man. I did what you said, and it’s done. Thank you.

Hey SuperrSonic could i ask a favor?

Doom (prboom) core and Quake core on RA Wii work great but have a really stupid dual analog button mapping. Using CC, L and R buttons are mapped like left analog stick left and right at the same time. So if one enables dual-analog from the core options for those 2 cores, he can use the twin sticks to move and aim respectively, but the L and R buttons cannot be mapped to shoot & jump, if they are pressed they conflict with the sticks. You have to use A or B for jump/shoot which is unideal for dual analog as you have to take your thumb off the right analog to shoot or jump.

Could you take a look at the config for those 2 cores and see if the L and R input can be fixed to not overlap with left analog stick?

Can you post your cfg file? Call me lazy but I don’t want to deal with setting up the game if I don’t need to.

Sure, Here you go:

Of course! Here: … 8ae0280ea4

P.S. I also included any files that may prove useful, if you do just need the .cfg ones, ignore the rest.

Sorry for your trouble, I meant Nakata.

That link sends me to a delete file confirmation? I don’t see an option to download.

Sorry guys, I jumped the gun without reading topic.

No worries

Oops, sorry i copied the wrong link :rolleyes: Here i uploaded it again:

Unfortunately the inputs for L, R, A and B for the CC are not on any of the cfgs, I only found wiimote mappings. I don’t have a CC and I don’t know how the buttons work in those cores, sorry but I’m pretty lost on how to do it. All I could have done anyway was swap 20(CC A) and 21(CC B) with 27(CC L) and 28(CC R) respectively.

No problem man, thanks for taking the time to look into this.