Mapping controles

Sorry for the simple question, i cant find a way to map my controles. I have a ipac and want to map to keys…

Typically, you would just go into settings > input but the ipac’s default mapping conflicts with some of RetroArch’s hotkeys, so you’ll need to open your retroarch.cfg in a text editor and either change them to something else or replace the mapping with “nul” first.

Can you please explain it a little better? I am trying to get this to work but its stupid difficult.

Can i assign two buttons for one command? like exit out of the emulator: is now esc i want UP and ctrl

No, RetroArch doesn’t support button combos. However, I-PAC has a few built-in combos that you can leverage: On my J-PAC, I use P1 Start + P1 Down to generate a ‘p’, which I have mapped to menu_toggle. This lets me bring up the menu without having a keyboard attached.

Cool didnt know that! but still, can you ecplain to me how to set the controlles.

So i just tried to input_exit_emulator = escape change to input_exit_emulator = p it just revered back to input_exit_emulator = escape

RetroArch reads the config at launch and then writes the config that it has in memory to file on exit. If it’s wiping out your changes, you’re either modifying it while the program is open or it’s loading another config from somewhere (could be related to per-core configs).

This thread may be helpful for binding:

Nothing works, i really am going nuts here.

What’s not working? Is it still overwriting your changes? If so, you can set your config_save_on_exit to “false” and/or set your config to read-only.

Oke, got it working now. Only when i launch it in Rocklauncher its still the old keys.

Ok, it must be pulling some other config from somewhere. You’re probably best off adding -c /path/to/retroarch.cfg to your launch lines to make sure it uses the right one.