Mapping right D-Pad in Mednafen VB to analog

Hello, I’m trying to map the right d-pad of the Virtual Boy controller to my right analog stick of my Moga controller but the Mednafen VB control configs inside the quick menu wont let me select the analogs for the d-pad & it overrides the Retroarch control configs I set.

Is there a file I need to edit myself or does it not support analogs for d-pads?

Correct, you can’t re-map digital controls to analogs and vice versa. However, there’s an option in the input settings to set ‘analog to digital type’, which will let you use whichever analog stick you assign to act like the dpad.

That is actually good to know, but the issue i’m having is the fact that the Virtual Boy has 2 d-pads and I can’t get Mednafen VR to assign the analog stick, even when the ‘analog to digital type’ set to a stick, to the second d-pad.

You can map the retropad buttons wherever you want in the input settings but not the core input remapping. So, if you care about it enough to go through the trouble, you can set up a config override that takes effect when you load a virtualboy game. However, I think it’s probably easier to map those second dpad controls to your controller’s face buttons and then move your other buttons up to the shoulder buttons.

Yeah, I was hoping for a easy way to avoid mapping to the face buttons but it doesn’t look like its going to happen. Oh well, It shouldn’t be that bad. Thank you for the help, I appreciate it,