Mario Tennis Performance Problems


It’s my first time posting on the LibRetro forums. Here is a video of Mario Tennis (the USA version) running on my PC:

As you can see, the graphical issues are pretty severe, and those frame rate drops make the game unplayable.

I have tried all three regions of the game, but all of them have the same issue. I downloaded the ROM from REDACTED… Is the ROM the issue?

Other games (Mario Party 3, Mario 64) do not have the same problem.

Hopefully someone out there has run into the same problem and has found a solution!


Mario Tennis is a difficult game to emulate under even the best circumstances, so bugs are unsurprising. You can try messing with the various plugins via the core options, or you can try using the Glupen core instead.

also, please don’t talk about specific ROM-distributing sites.

Just tested this game out on Glupen and there are some graphics problems and slowdowns on my i5 2500k, GTX 970 system. This issue might explain some of the slowdown, since it occurs when the ball has a color trail effect on it. There’s also lots of slowdown in the piranha plant game; possibly because there are so many characters on screen at once.

My apologies about mentioning the ROM-distributing site.

Would you mind explaining why it’s such a difficult game to emulate? I’m very new to emulation, just trying to get the basics down so I can play these games on pc with a controller and stream it down the road (I would only stream games that I have the physical copy of, which I do).

Retroarch is also quite new to me, and is there ever a lot of settings that are overwhelming!

Thank you for the link! I will read through it. The “fire” being changed to black and blocky is exactly the issue I’m having too. Also, when a ball goes high in the air, instead of a star appearing on the court it appears to be more of a barcode.

I have a 3570k OCed to 4.5ghz with a 7950, by the way.

Those effects show up correctly in Glupen, so GlideN64 is doing those better than Glide64 (regular Mupen core).


Is there a tutorial I can watch that shows how to change cores? I think I understand it generally, but honestly there’s so many settings and I’m scared of screwing something up lol.

EDIT: Nevermind, seems pretty easy. Just did the online update and then just went into “Load Core” lol. I guess I should save the configuration too!