Matching multi-disc PSX games with their database entries


Is there a way to match an .m3u file to an arbitrary database entry? My .m3u file contains the list of the filenames of the different discs of a PSX game.

I’ve tried to do this by arbitrarily specifying the first disc’s serial number in my playlist, in place of the CRC number, but I don’t get the game’s cover:

My playlist file looks like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Émulateurs\PlayStation\ePSXe\iso\Final Fantasy IX (France).m3u
Final Fantasy IX (France)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Émulateurs\Divers\RetroArch\cores\mednafen_psx_libretro.dll
Mednafen PSX
Sony -

Please, help. :slight_smile:

It uses the game name from the second line of the entry to choose the cover art:

Final Fantasy IX (France)

Go into the “RetroArch humbnails\Sony - PlayStation\Named_Boxarts” folder and choose one of the already existing FFIX covers, make a copy of it and rename the copy to “Final Fantasy IX (France).png”

On my system that folder doesn’t seem to have that version of the cover, so if you want the actual French boxart you’ll probably need to google one

Thank you!