I have been trying for weeks to fix the same problem you were having. My issue is cut scenes and most still images look terribly pixelated. Gameplay looks amazing though. In games like Tekken 3 The actual fighting looks great. The characters look smooth and all the background details look amazing. However, the opening cut scene looks like a pixelated mess and in the fighter selection screen all the fighter pictures look really pixelated also.
Games like Cyber Tiger are unplayable because of this issue because the game is a pixel mess. The ball is in the shape of a “t” rather than round for example.
I have tried so many different combinations of video and driver options and really the only visual effect I can change is the internal resolution. Most other changes don’t affect my problem.
I have also tried a lot of different shaders and those seem to compound the issue rather than fix it.
I have a windows 10 gaming PC with 16 GB of RAM and an Nvidia 970 OC. My PC should be able to run this stuff no problem.
ePSXe looks good but I don’t want to use it. I mention this just to state that my driver settings for the vid card should be ok but I’m open to anything at this point.
Anything anyone can recommend I will be willing to try it! This is a great community and I’m excited to be here! I appreciate everyone’s help and I hope you have a great day!