Mednafen PS1 crashes in the middle of loading

Searched this forum but no thread about it yet,

I have downloaded the mednafen PS1 core from inside retroarch and i got the correct BIOSes, (md5 checked and core info says BIOS are in place and status is good).

But when i launch a game it boots up fine, but as soon as the game it self seems to load (i see the games splash screen after the sony orange logo and the playstation PS logo) the emulator crashes back to the option with the 2 rows: “Start retorarch” or “Exit retroarch”.

The cue file seems legit and the bin file got the same name as inside the cue.

The weird part: same core from inside retroarch at PC, same BIOSes, same cue file and it works…

Many cue sheets were created with case-insensitive filesystems (namely NTFS in Windows) in mind, and they fail in case-sensitive filesystems, like those found in Linux/Android.

Regardless, I don’t think any ARM devices are fast enough to actually run mednafen-psx, so you should probably switch to pcsx-rearmed anyway.

[QUOTE=hunterk;25696]Many cue sheets were created with case-insensitive filesystems (namely NTFS in Windows) in mind, and they fail in case-sensitive filesystems, like those found in Linux/Android.

Regardless, I don’t think any ARM devices are fast enough to actually run mednafen-psx, so you should probably switch to pcsx-rearmed anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, learned that the hard way when we switched development environment from Windows to Linux a couple of years ago, so that was my first thought, so i checked so both file name and .ext (.bin in this case) where the same both in the cue and the files so all those match, :slight_smile:

Are you sure the Nvidia Shield TV aint fast enough?, pcsx-rearmed works and FPse but i would like to keep all emulation inside retroarch due to the simpleness of having all in the same system with 1 save dir and all key bindings and everything just working. :smiley: , and i read that mednafen is the most accurate and stable of all ps1 emulators for android at the moment.

RetroArch has a pcsx-rearmed core, so you can still use RA with it.

If your BIOS and cues are both fine, you might try getting a log to see if it’s crashing with anything helpful.

[QUOTE=hunterk;25723]RetroArch has a pcsx-rearmed core, so you can still use RA with it.

If your BIOS and cues are both fine, you might try getting a log to see if it’s crashing with anything helpful.[/QUOTE]

Good tip, dumped the logcat and there was some errors about save file paths and after that it worked fine. :smiley:

Awesome. Glad you got it worked out :slight_smile: