[Mednafen PSX] How do you crop pixels?

I’m attempting to crop Suikoden since it has pretty bad flickering on the top couple pixels. I’ve tried enabling/disabling overscan which doesn’t appear to make a difference. Is there any way to crop a specific amount of pixels manually?

There’s a shader, misc/image-adjustment.cg, that has a lot of runtime parameters for that sort of thing. You can zoom in on the image, move it around and/or mask off the top/bottom pixels.

Aweomse! Didn’t know that shader existed. I was able to remove the flickering, but I’m not sure if I did it correctly.

Since I’m using crt-hyllian, I modified crt-hyllian.cgp to:

shaders = 2

shader0 = ../misc/image-adjustment.cg
filter_linear0 = false
scale_type_0 = source

shader1 = shaders/crt-hyllian.cg
filter_linear0 = false
scale_type_0 = source

Is this correct and should image adjustment be applied before the CRT shader?

I removed the flickering by applying a 0.5% overscan all around by modifying image-adjustment.cg lines 3 and 4 to:

#pragma parameter overscan_percent_x "Horizontal Overscan %" 0.5 -25.0 25.0 1.0
#pragma parameter overscan_percent_y "Vertical Overscan %" 0.5 -25.0 25.0 1.0

I’m assuming that’s all that needs to be done to only enable overscan and that it’s correct?

Sure, as long as that looks good, that should be all you need to do, and your cgp looks good, too. You might also check out the ‘zoom factor’ option and the ‘overscan mask y’ option.

Thanks for the tip. Ended up going with a slight y mask to hide the flickering.