Mednafen Saturn core arm64 not recognise as core

Mednafen Saturn core arm64 not recognise as core. I downloaded manually and placed in core folder. I opened retroach and selected this core but is not recognise. Also this core don’t appear in the core updater via retroach app

Core updater only search for latest armv7 folder So cores in arm64v8 don’t loaded

Any chance to unified folder?

Most likely retroach don’t recognise arm64 cores

RetroArch built for ARMv7 will not load cores built for aarch64, so they need to be separate. We’re still working on a way to let the 32- and 64-bit ARM builds coexist on the same device.

Oh ok. I downloaded retroach arm64 and work fine. Only need Mupen64 cores Mame 2010,2014 and latest one 0.191

But in general is perfect thx

Whoa am I reading this correctly? A new Sega Saturn core for Android that works?? Oooo gimme gimme gimme!

I see it’s for Retroarch_aarch64, never used that version before but I hope soon it can be available for the ARMv7 version.

Hi, even on shield tv ?

yep, even shield tv. It barely runs full speed on a top-of-the-line Intel desktop CPU.

Oh wow, well the excitement was fun while it lasted. Any idea on how much a bounty would be to get Yaba Sanshiro ported over as a core? That’s pretty much the only Saturn Android emulator out doing the impossible with near full speed in most games and it’s constantly updated daily, that seems to be the only hope left.

Edit: Decided to take a shot at a bounty for this, hopefully something will come from this.

Yaba Sanshiro is another fork of yabause, which we already have a core for. The difference in performance mostly comes from Yaba Sanshiro using the dynarec, which doesn’t work inside dynamic libraries (a thing called “position-independent code” or PIC).

All libretro cores are dynamic libraries, so even if there is a dynarec, we can’t use it unless it’s PIC-compliant. So, unless they made the dynarec PIC-compliant at some point, it won’t perform much/any better than the existing yabause core.

I see. So I guess the first step is to make a request to the Yaba Sanshiro dev first to make the dynarec PIC-compliant before anything else. We definitely need this version of Yabause on Retroarch, it’s too amazing not to have it here.

eh, we’d rather you didn’t. Devs don’t usually take it well when someone says “hey, do a bunch of work to benefit some other program.” At best, they say “no,” at worst, they resent it and think we put them up to it.

lol well I was gonna try a personal “bounty” with the dev if anything, that dev already has a donation option apart of the emulator to help further development, I figured talking to him in that “language” would probably get me somewhere if anything. Is that a bad idea as well? I would also make it very clear that no one from this community put him up to it and that it’s a personal request from me. It can even be like an “under the table” kind of thing. Of course it would benefit all of us in the end as well.

Well, you can do whatever you want, obviously, but beyond the potential for unwanted friction, it also means that we have to follow through on porting it, which isn’t something I/we can commit to at the moment.

We’ve reached a point, I think, where everyone related to emulation at least knows about RetroArch/libretro and if they haven’t made any moves toward it, they probably have their reasons not to. So, asking them to work on it–even semi-indirectly–is very likely to blow up (and has already in the past). It shouldn’t be a big deal and I know you mean well by it, but the emu scene is fucking weird and full of very prickly personalities.

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Oh wow, yeah I didn’t know the emu scene was like that, but yes I also believe Retroarch is at a point where it’s (should be) fairly known. I notice every time this emulator is talked about here it doesn’t get too much traffic, I guess it’s because it’s known about already but no one simply wants to work on it so it’s just “meh”. In any case I guess I’ll just leave this alone for now especially if it may cause some kind of friction between anyone and also take my bounty request for this down. At least I gained some good information from all of this so thank you as always.

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That sounds great if that person does.