Not every game needs this, but a couple, like say for example the elder scrolls games, do. If I try to run Arena like other DOS games on Dosbox Pure, I get the error about “MSCDEX driver not installed”. From googling, one can infer the issue is the game isn’t installed. It isn’t, it runs fine on Vanilla Dosbox (excuse the broken ability to take fullscreen screenshots without exiting fullscreen, it scales normally otherwise)
What seems to be happening is that Dosbox Pure removed the ability to mount directories as cdroms. I infer that because manually entering the autoexec settings that ArenaSetup uses fails at the first mount, which I will paste:
[autoexec] @ECHO OFF mount C “.” mount d “.” -t cdrom c: cls SET ARENADATA=C: d: ACD -Ssbpdig.adv -IOS220 -IRQS7 -DMAS1 -Mgenmidi.adv -IOM330 -IRQM2 -DMAM1 Exit
It fails at mounting d with error: “Illegal type cdrom”. Running the autexec through a batch file gets the error that D does not exist.
This issue only happens through retorarch. I am able to mostly load the game on other random Dosbox forks with the same settings. I can’t seem to get Dosbox Pure to not ignore the conf. I placed it in the system folders and named it both ACD and Arena, trying the respectively-named executables with them. I have multiple confs within the Arena instalation, Dosbox Pure shows none of them if I’m supposed to manually load them.
On the topic of Daggerfall, although essentially superseded by the Unity recreation, it isn’t detected by retroarch’s scans at all, but is actually more straightforward with its error by stating that it’s unable to locate the CD, which goes back to the inability to mount directories as CDs, or so it seems. I didn’t change confs with this one as much.
Also, an additional issue. It seems that key combinations can’t be mapped. For example, in order to get A and D strafing to work, in Arena’s case, both alt and the left and right arrow keys have to be combined for their respective directions. Is it really not possible? It would be sort of awkward for this game, but other keys around that can be mapped to turning.