Mint 19.2: Core list empty despite cores installed

Hey guys! Does anybody else have this problem where RetroArch says “no items” in the “Load Core” menu even though you have several cores installed on your system?

In fact, when I launch a game from a playlist, the cores work just fine.

What am I missing?

This is on RetroArch 1.7.7.

A-ha, turns out cores can now be installed in Linux from within RetroArch! I didn’t know that.

Also turns out that if one does that, cores won’t launch when trying to run a game from a playlist. We still need the cores from the PPA for that.

So is it true that Linux users now need to install each core twice?

  1. From the PPA so playlist entries work
  2. From the Online Updater so the “Load Content” option works?

I’m using RA on Kubuntu 18.04.02 and have my cores installed in /games/retroarch/cores, and setup in retroarch under setup>directories>cores, or in retroarch.cfg as libretro_directory = “/games/retroarch/cores” And I update it from either inside RA (or downloaded from the buildbot)

If your playlists are old, they will still point to the old core location. If you re-scan, it should point to the new location.

A-ha! Thanks! I will check that out next chance I get.

Solved! Thank you kindly for your quick response and support :slight_smile:

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