Missing SNES Icon retroarch Nvidia Shield

Hi all, Can anyone help me fix the black box I have for all my SNES games?

(i replied half-awake)

Any of the snes9x varieties should work on it.

Usually, black boxes suggest missing/incomplete assets. Have you tried re-fetching the asset package from the online updater?

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This might be related:

Missing core icon

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Yup tried that. I’ve reinstalled retroarch a second time and this happened both times. I’ll try finding the .pngs like suggested below. I’ll check it out when I get home today. I really want to get this working well on my nvidia. It’ll be nice to have one less dedicated system in my entertainment center. :smiley:

Thanks I will try this tonight! Everything functions, but the icons are just black boxes. (Had to remove the headers from my roms as they weren’t showing up).

Well I installed retroarch on my mac at work. I can show package content fine on a mac app, but is this going to be possible on an android system (nvidia shield)?

Yes, I have a Shield Tablet and everything works and looks as it should.

Which snes core do you use?

Well what fixed it for me was to remove the word “Hacks” of the SNES playlist. Works perfectly now.

I had the same/similar issue with windows. I got a new laptop a few weeks ago and the SNES playlist looked just like it always had. I ended up returning that laptop and just got another new one. When I installed the latest nightly tonight I updated the cores, databases, etc. and when I scanned those same SNES games they showed up in a SNES Hacks playlist with the black box instead of the usual icon. Removing ‘hacks’ from the playlist title did fix the icon issue, but I do notice that the names listed in the playlist now use the (U)/(E)/(J) naming convention instead of the (USA)/(Europe)/(Japan) that I always had before. All of my roms are .sfc files if that matters/helps.

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Yeah mine end up with that naming convention too. I edited the playlist to jest remove those characters at the end of the names to clean them up.