Missing textures/layers in Castlevania SOTN

Hey, trying retroarch for the first time with mednafen and nednafen hw. Floating text doesnt display like entering an area and seeing the name, or the Level up pop up. Also background randomly disappears, some enemies are invisible. And breakable candles dont display. if I save state/load state then these appear to be ok, except level up text, but after a few screens it messes up again. Also the candles on the walls dont flicker correctly. instead of the candles being stationary and flames flickering, its more like the flames are stationary and the candles themselves wiggle. Really damn weird.

the hardware renderer is still in its infancy, so that sort of thing can happen. Software rendering should be fine.

It looks like I guess it wasnt switching to the software one correctly. I deleted the HW from core folder and it appears to be working normally. With mostly defaults, performance was a bit odd. It seemed to run at smooth frames for 3-4 seconds, then it would stutter for 2-3 seconds, repeat. Nonstop for the 3+ hours I was playing it.
Very jarring when moving around and its smooth and silk, then choppy, etc.

Hmm, that could be a number of a things. The first place I would look would be your OS’s power management settings. That is, make sure it’s set to ‘maximum performance’, as it may be trying to clock down for some reason.

Sorry for not dropping more info. Im on an i5 6600k oc’d to 4.4GHz. I have a gtx 1070 but I don’t think that is utilized at all for emulation. 16GB memory. I found the setting to play when not in focus, set up my tv as a second screen, full screened it, etc. I have some odd flickering, screen going black but also did it when it was in windowed mode and the whole windows desktop blinked. I dont often use my tv as a 2nd screen so that’s its own issue. I just played about 3hours and didnt have that random slowdown. So behavior is a bit erratic each time I load it up.