MME4CRT OS Release (RetroArch CRTSwitchRes OS)

Hi Guys,

MME4CRT OS Release Version 1 is now available. Please follow the link below for the download. There are still many things to be added which will be provided as updates alone the way.

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I think the for the next step it will be better to use Lakka as the OS.

From this point forward, I will be modifying Lakka to be CRTSwitchRes comparable for PC.


hi alphanu. are you still working on a Lakka build with CRTSwitchRes-Support?

i wonder i can try it, because i am planing on setting up a new RA Machine especially for CRT. I am using “Vanilla” Lakka for years. I love the simple and clean installation. I wish there was a way to do it that simple for RA (with pre-configured CRTSwichres…), too.

The whole CRT/Switchres-Thing is AWESOME!!!