Sorry if this is a Linux/Ubuntu thing but I’ve been googling well over an hour and haven’t been able to find anything, so to the forums I must go as I’ve lost patience and I’m too new to Ubuntu to really troubleshoot effectively on my own.
When I open Retroarch, the mouse is ALWAYS visible and if I click it will pull a window ahead if there is any open in the background. That part isn’t that annoying, but if I open a game the mouse is always present. Since I have RetroFE set up for the front end and use a PS3 (Soon to be arcade stick) to control menus, I’d really like to figure out why the mouse will not go away.
I’ve disable mouse support, enabled, etc. No matter what I do I cannot click the retroarch window, it just pulls whatever is behind it in front.
I’m running Ubuntu 17.10x64 with Retroarch from the store. Everything else seems to work peachy, and I just had to reinstall ubuntu and it was working fine before. I tried reinstalling from the store but no avail. Again, sorry if I’m a Linux nub.
I also believe I followed all the directions with the PPA as well.