Multiple Steam Controllers over Steamlink

Hey devs,

Retroarch is brilliant! I love it. That being said, i cannot get it to detect that i have a second steam controller connected. Im currently running the latest x64 build of RetroArch on Win 7, added as a non-steam game with a rom installed via Ice. I got passed the controller input binding nonsense that is a result of steams game/program auto detection and desktop config, everything plays beautifully now but Retroarch does not detect that there is more than one xinput controller connected as user one in the device index option. I have tried huntarks advice from the threads posted previously about this issue: i turned one steam controller on, set its device index as xinput player 1, bound the keys, powered it down and tried using controller 2 as input 2 and rebinding. No dice, input 2 menu only showed an available device index as xinput player one - input 2, 3, etc were listed as n/a. So i connected both and it still only detects xinput 1 as available for player 1 in the input 1 and 2 bind menus.

I have a feeling this is related to the steam links xinput emulation. I have tried the above with a ps4 controller and an 8bitdo snes controller, same issues.

Any thoughts on how to solve this so we can get two players going?


Anyone have an idea as to how this can be resolved yet?