Hi, I noticed some (in my opinion) weird behavior. I started using mupen64plus next with the paraLLEl RDP and crt royale shader on x1 internal resolution. On most games everything is fine but in some cases the audio just drops randomly (like lagging) though the video does not. When I disable the crt royale shader the audio lag is gone.
This effect is amplified the higher I set the upscale option. At x4 upscale the audio is completely gone and the fps drops too. Weird is, when I run mupen64 with x4 upscale and no shader active, everything runs just fine. So my problem is that the shader keeps adding lag as I upscale the game, which doesn’t make sense too me, since my pc and retroarch output resolution in all cases is 4k.
Ain’t the shaders supposed to be post processing to the overall output image? If so the shaders shouldn’t add lag for higher internal resolutions?
My system specs:
- Ryzen 5 4650g
- 16gb RAM
- Mupen64Plus Next with ParaLLEl RDP
- CRT Royale shader
Does anybody know why the shaders keep adding lag the higher mupen64 upscale is though my overall output resolution is 4k? The lag is gone completely when I disable the shader, even at high upscale settings.