Mupen64 Plus android core won't run anything

I’m using a Galaxy S3. The MegaN64 app runs .n64 games smoothly.

I installed the Mupen64 Plus core via the online updater. When I tried to launch some games (Goldeneye, Lylat Wars), they would either display a black screen or give me still, green static.

I tried the latest core from the retroarch buildbot page. When I loaded the core retroarch still read “no core” on the top of the screen. I tried running a .n64 file using the “select file and detect core” option, but when I selected the Mupen64 Plus core the app crashed. This could be because I downloaded the core for the wrong architecture.

Is this a bug? Does anyone know how to fix this?

The core has been broken since a month or so by now,it seems to be a commonly recurring issue with the Mupen64Plus core,it just likes to “sh** the bed” often,and we can only hope it starts to work again in the next few weeks,especially since it was expectedly getting GLideN64 added to it.

For now, the standalone emulator seems to fare better for some reason.

In an android device, when we talk about emulators, I learned that Drastic, Reicast and Mupen should be used as standalone emulators for now, we can always test the new Retroarch cores to see how they are going, but until it reaches these three standalone emulators we should only keep testing them. I just want you to know that Retroarch cores comes first in my options and I think it’s the best option for almost all OSes out there. But for Android, these consoles/handhelds are better as standalone, I hope it changes soon!

Tried it again today and still crashes but now worse since it always crashes immediately instead of starting froze on the black screen. Donkey Kong 64 won’t even boot to the logo screen anymore.

Calling out for Twinaphex in hopes that he sees this. I really want to test the new changes,but it is kinda impossible currently from it always crashing and refusing to run at all,even after clearing the list of core settings for it to refresh them.

I confirm that devices with Mali-400 gpu work with latest mupen core. It seems an issue with Adreno gpu.

This is on the Shield TV Pro,it worked on Marshmallow too before I updated the core. Also would like to know when vulkan can be used as the RetroArch driver on Android so I can test it.