Mupen64Plus - Banjo Tooie shadow problem


In Banjo Tooie I’m experiencing a large gray box underneath the character instead of his shadow. I’ve tried changing some settings, but the only thing that seemed to do anything was switching the GFX plugin. Gln64 solves the shadow issue, but then all the level geometry disappears, leaving Banjo, enemies, and the now-working shadow in limbo.

I’m using the latest nightly, and the up to date core.

Is there some config I missed that could solve this, or perhaps some specific older version of something handles the shadow better? Any info on the matter would be appreciated, even just to tell me I’m SOL. Better to know you can’t than always ponder if you could.

Thanks for your time.

Like this, right? Rice: GLN64: Glide64:

Still have no clue why this happens, BT is not the only game though

It’s a known issue, it was introduced while fixing an issue in Conker’s Bad Fur Day which is caused by one of the Banjo-Tooie hacks.

edit: Just sent a fix for the issue that doesn’t affect CBFD, should be on the next nightly or the one after it.

So I’ve tried the newest nightly, and that large grey box is indeed gone! Thanks! Still no shadow for Banjo, however. Am I correct in assuming the core just can’t handle that real-time shadow right now? I don’t mean to sound whiny, but with these 3D platformers, the shadow is often your only solid way to tell your position during jumps.

It’s a matter of Glide64 not supporting some Banjo-Tooie stuff, if you try Banjo-Kazooie you’ll see that the shadow is there.

Well yeah, I’ve just finished a run of BK actually, so I know what you mean. It’s almost a shame Tooie did so much for an N64 game, making emulation for it a right pain.

Also, not to derail, but now the game is consistently hanging when I attempt to start the jiggy puzzle. Is there anything I can do about that? I feel kind of silly now to have asked about shadows only to get stuck on something else shortly after. Sorry!