Mupen64plus Crashes Loading a Rom Outside of Debugger

Hey guys. I’ve posted this in a couple other Retroarch related places around the Internet. I just feel like I should say that up front in case anyone thinks it’s in bad form, I’m just trying my best to get enough exposure to solve this problem because otherwise I’m at a wall here.

I’m having a problem with mupen64plus in Windows 10 x64.

The computer is a laptop (Asus Strix GL502VS), has an i7 6700hq, graphics card is a gtx 1070, 16gb of ram, retroarch (x64 build) is on my ssd but the roms are on a normal hdd (internal). Other cores work fine, although N64 is the most advanced and only 3d system I emulate besides testing out a couple psx games (that worked, but it was a while ago and I don’t remember which core I used.) My graphics card drivers are up to date, and so is everything else from what I know. I use the retroarch nightlies and probably update the whole thing every week or so.

I have had this problem with mupen64plus as long as I can remember with this computer, so at least 5 months. But I didn’t look into it because while mupen64plus didn’t work, glupen64 did, and glupen64 was what I wanted to use anyway so I didn’t have any motivation to mess around with another n64 emulator.

But since glupen64 is gone and the current mupen64plus promises essentially the same thing I started to try and get it to work. The problem itself is basically, I load any n64 game (archived or not) and pick mupen64plus as my core and it acts like it’s going to load something for a second or two but then retroarch crashes.

I thought maybe something leftover from glupen64 was causing some issues, or maybe the shaders I was using so I went and tried to clean out any reference to glupen64 or any other n64 emulator, then redowload the core info files, then redownload mupen64plus and replace my retroarch.cfg and retroarch-core-options.cfg with the default ones straight from that build’s archive, but it made no difference. Tried it with a bunch of different n64 games, and I’m not loading them from an old playlist or anything (I’ve gone and loaded each from ‘load content’) I then made a completely new install of retroarch of the latest nightly but that also made no difference.

I turned on logging and this is what I get right up to the crash.

I can reproduce the crash every single time from retroarch.exe or retroarch_debug.exe except when I’m using a debugger. I ran it in gdb hoping to get a backtrace but then the games actually run (although very slowly, as I guess would probably be expected when debugging.)

Either way, here’s the output of gdb;

Although I cut out hundreds (a thousand? I dunno) repeats of the line ‘RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL debug (Low, API, Other)]: Texture state usage warning: Texture 0 is base level inconsistent. Check texture size.’ in that log for the sake of readability. While the game was running gdb was displaying that line over and over. And then I exited the program normally.

So, I don’t know. I’m at a loss at what to even try next to maybe get it to work. And I don’t really know this stuff well enough to be able to tell exactly what useful things the logs are saying (if anything).

Any ideas? Thanks a lot guys.

We currently have a crashy problem, as you’ve experienced. I went ahead and opened an issue at the repo with your logs:

You can follow the progress there.