Mupen64plus with dynarec

Hi guys can some help or make a core with dynarec enable? I read somewhere that’s it’s possible to compile it on my own but don’t really know how. And where do I put this file.

Is it true that when using dynarec on galaxy s6 it runs better?

I don’t think you need to compile anything. The dynamic recompiler should be enabled in Android builds of RetroArch by default. If you’re not completely sure, take a screenshot of mupen’s core settings for us to confirm. As long as it doesn’t say interpreter or cached interpreter though you should be good to go.

Then I am good to go. Haha thanks but. With the right core and everything. I have a problem with mystical ninja staring goemon. The game stutters qhen the camera is adjusting very frustrating. Got any tips to boost performance?

Having rewind enabled even if you’re not really using it is the biggest performance killer so try disabling it if it’s on. You could also try the ParaLLEl core or other video plugins.

From what I understand though it’s a notoriously screwy game for emulators so you might just have to make do. That’s just how it is with N64 emulation unfortunately.

Ok thanks miles. I’ll try that but from what I remember I also tried it. Thanks.