N64 Buttons?

Hi, Retroarch works fine, but i can`t control N64 games.

I am using gametel:


Gameboy, NES, SNES are using the same buttons, but N64 needs C-Buttons, Z-Button and the analog stick!

(Under Input -> Custom Binds -> Player 1 Custom Binds)

There are no options for N64 buttons?

I really dont like a virtual overlay.

Can somebody please help?

Cu B-K

The default n64 binds are L2 for Z and C buttons on right-analog. You should be able to remap those functions (L2 and right-analog) to buttons using the custom binds.

This post has a good explanation of the way RetroArch handles control binds: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2126&start=50#p15931 It’s very different from most emulators you might have used in the past but it’s nice once you get a handle on it.

Thank you!