N64 Controller mapping

So I’m having this issue where my on my left analog stick, the left and right directions seem to be inverted. All my other buttons work perfectly and the down/up directions are fine. Even when I switched over to the right analog stick it did the same thing. I downloaded Project 64 and the stand alone Mupen64Plus and my controls work perfectly fine with them both. I’ve tried messing around in the input options, but it only allows me to set which axis and analog to use, not the direction specifically like in the main input configs. I’ve tried out multiple games and all the same, I move my stick to the left, character runs right, vice versa. Oh, and I’m using a Rock Candy Xbox360 controller. Any help is super appreciated, thank you!

Is there a reason you can’t just go into settings > input > player 1 binds and swap the directions? that is, when it asks for right, press left and when it asks for left, press right?

Yea, I tried that, but it didn’t change the direction.