N64 Emulation Issues (Again! ;P)

I wonder if anyone has any ideas as to what would cause the following…

Up until about a month ago Mupen64 worked for me fairly well. Now, 64DD games will not load at all (RA says there’s no file after I double click on a 64DD file) and a lot of games have a strobe effect on the screen (for instance Star Soldier worked perfectly. Now it flickers like crazy).

Since it worked, I’ve updated the core a couple of times without actually playing any N64 games. So, annoyingly, I have no idea what caused Mupen to break like this.

All emulator settings are on default.

Also, I should probably mention that neither GLupen64 or ParLLel have ever worked for me. No matter the ROM they both just instantly crash with the Retroarch Has Stopped Working error message.

I know this is all a bit vague but has anyone else come across this problem?

Cheers. :slight_smile:

what 64dd titles were worth playing anyways…

Without a doubt F-Zero. Stereo soundtrack and a track editor. :slight_smile:

lemme check…

when was the last time 64dd worked for you? it seems that luigiblood has been bz the past month updating 64dd stuffs

Hmmm, I’m not really sure but I think it was back in September that I last played F-Zero.

I tend to update at least weekly so I presume it was one of the nightlies from then that last worked.

By the way, dunno if it makes any odds but I’m using RA 1.3.6.

i dont even understand how to run this f-zero expansion pack, even in project64 :smiley: gives me this error, same in retroarch