Navigation labels with pads that have no A?

I was not sure if it is RA, pie, or LR related or what. It says press A to load a game and press B to go back. That is not always going to make sense. I realize it is talking about the retro virtual pad. Though it is very confusing. A ps2 controller does not even have a A button. Is there a way to change this label?

Where does it say that? I mean, that’s written in a lot of places, but where are you wanting to change it, specifically?

We had to name the buttons something and we went with SNES names. We’ve batted around changing them to numbers or … something else, but ultimately it’s always arbitrary, so one is as good/bad as any other.

Yeah this could very well be a retro pie issue the more I think about it Or maybe an emulation station issue. I’ll look in to that.

Relabeling of buttons is done in autoconfig files, but I don’t know if it shows up somewhere else than the input configuration menu.

input_a_btn_label = "Circle"
input_b_btn_label = "Cross"
input_x_btn_label = "Triangle"
input_y_btn_label = "Square"